Welcome to Buddha Belly Cakes.

If you have any questions or ordering inquiries, please email them directly to buddhabellycakes@gmail.com

Check out the Website for ordering information!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Holidays are upon us!

Hello faithful readers!

It is the holiday season! And you know what that means?

Devils Food with Peppermint frosting (with real candy cane)

Spiked gingerbread with cream cheese

Spiked red velvets with cream cheese and candy topping

why hello kitty! chocolate cake with vanilla frosting with frosting covered sugar cookie topper (handmade and homemade)

So here is to holiday baking and for feeding all those we love.

Happy Holidays friends!

Stay warm and dry!
♥ Buddha ♥

Monday, November 8, 2010

Halloween Orders Success!

Hello friends!
Halloween is over and all of the orders were a success!
Smores' with candy bugs

Caramel Apple

Pumpkin Spice with Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting

Chocolate Cake with Orange Frosting and candy skulls

Spiked Pumpkin Spice cakes with Cream Cheese Frosting and Chai Frosting (Adrienne Original)

Thanks friends for all the orders and support!

Holiday Season is coming....

I'm thinking turkeys.......


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Halloween goodness!

Its Halloween season and you know what that means?

Pumpkin madness!

Pumpkin Spice cake with Chocolate Buttercream Frosting

Order your Halloween goodies! Spots are filling up!


Friday, October 8, 2010

We've been busy...

Sorry to be M.I.A. again- things have been hectic with work, school, and cakes!

But here are some photos of what we've been doing:

Chocolate cake, Strawberry frosting, cream filling, and topped with princess rings!

Chocolate cake, Mint frosting, topped with a fresh mint leaf (for orders could also be candied mint leaves)

White cake, Strawberry filling, Vanilla Buttercream frosting. 

 Chocolate Peanut Butter topped with a roasted banana

We'll be sure to keep the updates more regular, but until next time...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Its a family affair....baking that is!

So my cousins were in town from England for the month of August (hence why I haven't been doing as many posts this month). I don't get to see them that often obviously, so I was lucky enough to spend some quality time with them for a day and baked up a storm!

They came up with 2 new kinds of cupcakes that were so original 
and awesome that I am going to add them to the website's menu:

Pina Colada and Cookie Dough! 

Our adventure goes as follows....

lets try  that again...

Taylor and Rachael- you rule my world! 

Its a birthday party!

These are some cupcakes I made for a family friend's kids birthday.
They were ridiculously tricky but I heard the kids liked them and thats all that matters. 


Sunday, August 1, 2010


We have launched the new website!
Take a look and spread the word!

you know you love it!

Another satisfied customer...

I made this most recent order for my friend Renee for her Hawaiian party! She also wanted a little kick so her second batch were extra special...

Chocolate cake, vanilla frosting, circus peanuts, M&Ms, and Cheerios
♥ BOMB! ♥

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Baking Challenge: Round 7

The White Elephant
AKA the Eric

White chocolate frosting, yellow buttermilk cake with chopped white chocolate and macadamia nuts, topped with a macadamia nut. 

These were truly awesome. I even gave myself a pat on the back for them.
Good call Eric, nice suggestion!

More goodies to come as always!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Baking Challenge: Round 6

Buddha Belly Cakes is going GREEN!

Caramel Green Apple Cupcakes

White cake, caramel filling, green apple frosting, topped with green apple slices and toffee pieces.*a Buddha original*

Buddha is back with a vengeance so get ready, I'm comin for ya!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Baking Challenge: Round 5

Chai-Tea Cupcakes with Milk Icing

Sorry to have been gone so long but I am back with a vengance and baking up goodness!


Monday, May 31, 2010

The Babies are Comin!

I made these for one of my many bosses for a baby shower (little girl of course). 
Red Velvet cake, Cream Cheese frosting, Sour pacifiers. Babies are made from salt water taffy, nilla wafers, chocolate frosting, and marshmallows.

Thanks Tami!

A little M.I.A.

Why hello dear followers!

I just wanted to apologize for being a slight no show the last week with the Baking Challenge and everything. Its not that I have given up (psshhh parish the thought!) but more about a lack of time. With graduate school sign ups, work, and my own upcoming birthday, I just haven't had the time and energy I want to bake my heart away!

But fear not, after June 7th I am all about it and coming back strong with Chai-Tea cupcakes!

So keep and eye out and be ready for goodness, because its a comin!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


We do holidays...and graduation season is coming up quick!

Just a thought...
If you are interested in ordering your own (uniquely decorated) cupcakes, send us an email us before its too late!

Baking Challenge: Round 4

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

I am not a huge fan of any kind of fruit cake but this one was pretty good and i love that the goodness is hidden underneath. Overall pretty successful.

Thanks for the challenge Robin!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Buddha's been busy....

I hope everyone remembered to get their moms something nice! I know you all didn't get them cupcakes...jerks. Just kidding, I joke. But really, hopefully everyone can enjoy today. I know these customers will...

Order #4 (Fourth Order):

Red Velvet cupcakes with Cream filling, Cream cheese frosting, Vanilla music note decoration.

Boston Cream Pie cupcakes (obvious Cream filling), Vanilla music note decorations.

These were for my friend Paula for her and her boyfriend's moms. 

Thanks Paula!

Order #5 (Fifth Order):
I made these for my mom's friend Eileen.
Dark Chocolate, Maraschino cherry filling, Vanilla frosting, topped with a Maraschino cherry. 
Spice Rum, Dark Chocolate frosting, topped with gold sugar. 

 Thanks Eileen! 

Order #6 (Sixth Order): 

These were for my mom's friend Dawn.
Dark Chocolate, Vanilla frosting, flower decoration made from vanilla frosting. 
Thanks Dawn!

OMG yesterday was a day of baking. Eight full hours to be exact. I was tired, and my little observer (far outside the kitchen vacancy)  was too...

Happy Mother's Day!
